The 7: How to Play Winger Like a Boss

The number 7, traditionally known as the right winger, is a vital attacking force in a soccer team. Their primary responsibility is to create goal-scoring opportunities, stretch the opposition's defense, and provide width to their team's attack. This comprehensive guide will delve into the essential skills, tactics, and attributes needed to excel as a number 7 winger in soccer. Note that the number 11 is traditionally the left winger and this guide will equally apply to that position. Let’s dive in.

Cristiano Ronaldo Photo by Austin Osuide WKC

Technical Skills

Ball Control and Dribbling

For a winger, the ability to control and manipulate the ball while moving at pace is crucial. This enables you to beat defenders and maintain possession in tight spaces:

  • Practice with both feet: Enhance your versatility by developing your weaker foot. Coaches will often play their winger on both the left and the right side of the pitch so you want to make sure you can be effective on both sides. From the right wing, a high-level winger is able to whip a cross with his right foot and also cut in and whip a shoot with the left.

  • Master different dribbling techniques: Experiment with various ways of using the inside, outside, and sole of your foot. Also practice change of pace as you want to through off your marker that’s tracking you down on the line.

  • Develop close ball control: Focus on keeping the ball close to your body and shielding it from defenders.

Crossing and Passing

As a winger, accurate crossing and passing are essential for providing goal-scoring opportunities to your teammates:

  • Master various types of crosses: Perfect your technique for in-swinging, out-swinging, and driven crosses. Be able to do it with both feet.

  • Work on short and long passes: Develop the ability to deliver accurate and weighted passes over various distances.

  • Train under pressure: Practice crossing and passing in game-like situations to improve your composure and decision-making.

Shooting and Finishing

While not the primary focus of a winger, the ability to score goals can make you even more valuable to your team:

  • Practice different shooting techniques: Improve your ability to strike the ball with power, accuracy, and finesse.

  • Develop shooting on the move: Enhance your ability to shoot while running and under pressure from defenders. Master the whipping shot off the cut in dribble.

  • Work on your weaker foot: Increase your goal-scoring potential by becoming comfortable shooting with both feet.

Tactical Understanding

Positioning and Movement

Intelligent positioning and off-the-ball movement are essential for a winger to exploit space and create chances:

  • Maintain width: Stretch the opposition's defense by hugging the touchline and providing a wide outlet for your team.

  • Time your runs: Develop an understanding of when to make runs in behind the defense or cut inside to create goal-scoring opportunities.

  • Support your fullback: Build strong partnerships with your fullback to combine effectively and create overloads on the flank.

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Creating Goal-Scoring Opportunities

As a winger, your main responsibility is to create chances for your team:

  • Deliver accurate crosses: Work on the quality and timing of your crosses to maximize goal-scoring opportunities for your teammates.

  • Utilize combination play: Develop an understanding with your teammates and execute quick one-twos, overlaps, and other combination plays to break down defenses.

  • Be unpredictable: Keep the opposition guessing by varying your style of play, such as cutting inside, crossing, dribbling, or shooting.

Defensive Responsibilities

While your primary focus is on creating opportunities, a winger must also contribute defensively:

  • Track back and help your team: When your team loses possession, work hard to recover and support your teammates in winning the ball back.

  • Press intelligently: Apply pressure on opponents when they have the ball, forcing them to make mistakes or play backward passes.

  • Develop defensive positioning and awareness: Understand where you need to be on the field to cut off passing lanes and help your team maintain a compact defensive shape.

Physical Attributes

Speed and Agility

Explosive speed and agility are crucial for a winger, as they allow you to beat defenders, create space, and exploit openings in the opposition's defense:

  • Perform sprint and acceleration drills: Practice short, intense bursts of speed to improve your acceleration and explosiveness.

  • Incorporate agility exercises: Use agility ladders, cones, and hurdles to work on quick changes of direction and footwork.

  • Train under fatigue: Perform speed and agility drills at the end of a training session to simulate game situations when you are tired.

Check out our speed guide here for more on how to improve your pace.

Stamina and Endurance

Wingers need excellent stamina and endurance to maintain high levels of performance throughout the game. Developing your cardiovascular fitness will enable you to cover more ground and remain sharp in critical moments:

  • Incorporate interval training: Use high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to improve your aerobic and anaerobic fitness.

  • Train with a ball: Incorporate soccer-specific drills and exercises into your endurance training to build sport-specific fitness.

  • Focus on recovery: Prioritize proper nutrition, hydration, and rest to ensure your body recovers adequately between training sessions.

Mental Strength and Decision-Making

Building confidence and maintaining focus under pressure are essential attributes for a winger. Successful decision-making in high-pressure situations can make the difference between creating a goal-scoring opportunity and losing possession:

  • Manage stress and anxiety: Use techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and positive self-talk to manage stress and maintain focus during games.

  • Develop quick and accurate decision-making skills: Participate in small-sided games and high-pressure drills to train your decision-making abilities in realistic game situations.

  • Balance risk-taking and playing it safe: Understand when to take risks to create opportunities and when to maintain possession and control the tempo of the game.

Want to improve your mental game? Check out our articles on Mental Strength here.

Become a Better Winnger

Here are two great videos that we recommend you view to help you become a better winger. They're definitely worth a watch!

World-Class Players

David Beckham Photo by David Cornejo via WKC

Studying world-class wingers can provide invaluable insights into the skills and tactics that make them successful. Some notable examples include:

  • Cristiano Ronaldo

  • David Beckham

  • Arjen Robben

  • Franck Ribéry

  • Angel Di Maria

Keys to Success

  • Continuously refine your technical skills, focusing on dribbling, crossing, and shooting.

  • Develop tactical awareness and understanding of the game to maximize your impact on the field.

  • Improve physical attributes, particularly speed, agility, and endurance.

  • Cultivate mental strength and the ability to make quick, accurate decisions under pressure.

  • Always be aware of your surroundings, including the position of your teammates and opponents.

  • Focus on your off-the-ball movement and positioning to create space and passing options.

  • Communicate effectively with your teammates, particularly your fullback, to ensure seamless coordination on the field.

The Bottom Line

Mastering the number 7 winger position in soccer requires dedication to perfecting a wide range of technical, tactical, physical, and mental skills. By following the principles outlined in this guide and continuously striving for improvement, you can develop into a potent attacking force for your team. Remember, success in soccer comes from hard work, persistence, and a passion for the game. Embrace the challenge and aim to become the ultimate winger.

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